The Revenue Operations Benchmark

Learn how the Revenue Operations Benchmark a comprehensive assessment of revenue operations performance, focusing on quantifying intangible and evaluating essential processes and capabilities for executing strategy and reliably meeting revenue targets

Unlock the Untapped Revenue Potential in Your Business

A Revenue Operations Benchmark analysis is a comprehensive, empirical, and forward-looking evaluation of the ability of a business to generate consistent and scalable growth. The Revenue Operations Benchmark is unique because it evaluates a company’s potential to grow across the operational value levers proven to impact future revenues, cash flow, and firm value.  The analysis benchmarks an organizations commercial capabilities, assets, and competencies across forty six growth drivers that span the functional and operational drivers of growth. The holistic analysis is unique because it evaluates both your core commercial capabilities  and the interdisciplinary competencies that determine your ability to execute growth strategies and realize more growth. These include the critical ability to align operations and teams along the revenue cycle, share and monetize information, and generate returns on growth investments and assets. The resulting scores provide boards, leaders, and operators a fact-based assessment of the probability of hitting future revenue targets and the root cause issues holding back growth. In addition to scores, the analysis quantifies the latent growth potential in the business, and recommends specific growth drivers and action steps that have the greatest potential to unlock that revenue, continuously improve performance, and realize the full growth potential from commercial assets.

Realize Revenue Potential
Gain a holistic view of your company’s latent revenue potential by assessing the levers that are causal of revenue growth
Fix Underperformance
Understand, identify and address the root causes and obstacles holding back your revenue performance.
Align Your Operations
Get a blueprint for knitting together the systems, processes, and operations that support revenue growth and align teams.

The Revenue Operations Benchmark Analysis

The Revenue Operations Benchmark analysis is a proprietary evauation of the causal chain of events that leads to revenue growth, future cash flow, and ultimately long-term equity value. The Revenue Operations Benchmark is unique because it evaluates a company’s potential to grow across the sixteen operational value levers proven to impact future revenues, cash flow, and firm value. The analysis benchmarks an organizations commercial capabilities, assets, and competencies across forty six growth drivers that span the functional and operational drivers of growth. The holistic analysis is unique because it evaluates both your core commercial capabilities and the interdisciplinary competencies that determine your ability to execute growth strategies and realize more growth.

  • Benchmark the maturity of the core commercial capabilities in marketing, product, sales, customer success and finance
  • Evaluate the interdisciplinary competencies critical to aligning operations and teams along the revenue cycle, sharing and monetizing information, and generating returns on growth investments and assets.
  • Quantify the opportunity to unlock the latent revenue and profit growth potential in the business
  • Prioritize the actions with the greatest potential to unlock untapped revenue potential and realize the full growth potential from commercial assets.
  • Build a consensus across your leadership team about the opportunity to grow, the investments required to realize growth, and the resources needed to succeed.
Realize Latent Revenue
Every lower-middle market business has latent revenue potential and can unlock more value by improving the return on their revenue-generating commercial assets. These assets make up a significant portion of a company’s balance sheet.  Evaluating and identifying the specific assets, capabilities, and causal chain of events that lead to revenue growth is widely accepted as a fundamental principle to building enduring companies. QoRO offers a proven approach for CEOs to generate more revenue and profits from these growth assets.

Fix Underperformance

For underperforming companies, Revenue Operations Benchmark provides CEOs and management teams with a performance improvement blueprint for knitting together the systems, processes, and operations that support revenue growth in ways that generate scalable, predictable, and consistent growth. This approach equips investment teams with the data and insights to make informed strategic decisions, optimize operations, and align investments toward sustainable revenue growth.

Get Revenue Operations Aligned

Growing a business is an inherently interdisciplinary endeavor. Any go-to-market strategy has dozens of functions to manage and many more disciplines to master. Organic growth requires all these disciplines to work together in unison toward a common goal - consistent, profitable, and scalable growth. Yet, 80% of CEOs lack direct operating experience in the dozens of go-to-market functions that are directly responsible for generating revenue. ROBTM lays out a plan that enables companies to generate scalable, sustainable growth and serves as a framework for company-wide management decision-making.

Our company had three consecutive quarters of underperformance. After doing a Revenue Operations Benchmark assessment, we identified weak spots, realigned our team, and streamlined decision-making. We're now more confident in our growth capabilities than ever before.

CEO Middle Market Technology Company

Operational Insights, Predictable Growth Outcomes.


The Revenue Operations Benchmark covers growth levers across strategy, culture, business process, human capital, product management, technology, and cross-functional alignment. Benchmarks vs. peer best in class allow our clients to know where they have gaps that represent latent revenue potential. 


Make Ops Improvements that Drive Revenue Growth

Assess operational enhancements in value creation and deals to boost growth, efficiency, and reduce risk.

Quantify Critical Intangible Assets

Evaluate key intangible assets—culture, innovation, teamwork—often missed in financial analyses, which are quantified so they can be managed.

Improve Execution

Pinpoint causes of revenue underperformance, quantify gaps, and create actionable plans with clear KPIs for phased implementation.

Get a Holistic View of Revenue Potential

Evaluate key intangible assets—culture, innovation, teamwork—often missed in financial analyses, which are quantified so they can be managed.

Discover the Power of The Revenue Operations Benchmark Self Assessment

Get fast answers to your most critical growth questions in less than half an hour
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