The Revenue Operations Organizational Design Benchmarks

Get best practices and a blueprint for defining and evolving the roles, skills and structures fundamental to executing Revenue Operations.
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A comprehensive, practical, and actionable framework to help investors, managers, and accountants to better assess, quantify, measure, and manage the future organic growth potential of a privately held B2B business.

Revenue Operations has emerged as one of the fastest growing jobs in North America. Revenue Operations is a management system that orchestrates and aligns the operations, systems, and data that support revenue teams along the entire revenue cycle to generate more consistent and scalable growth. Revenue Operations has emerged as a critical job function for a simple reason – it directly impacts the ability of an organization to protect its largest assets and grow firm value. This is because organic growth, and the commercial assets that create it, have become essential to value creation.  90% of organizations are actively changing the way they lead and align revenue teams and the operations that support them according because a strong operations function is essential to executing the programs fundamental to modern selling – Account Based Marketing, orchestrating multi-channel sales and marketing programs, and delivering personalized experiences in digital channels.

To better define the Revenue Operations role in a 21st Century Commercial Model, we worked with practitioners, academics and experts at the Revenue Enablement Institute to evaluate hundreds of job descriptions, interview over 100 growth leaders and revenue operations executives to develop a comprehensive definition of the evolving role of the Revenue Operations leader in a modern selling model. of business leaders, as well as the leading academics and experts in the field. This report analyses the five core disciplines that underlie the Revenue Operations role, the 12 capabilities that go into the job description, and a comprehensive 36 point Revenue Operations maturity model to help business leaders quickly assess the state of their commercial transformation and identify the most financially viable way to “stairstep” their organization towards greater alignment of sales, marketing and CX teams, systems, and processes. This in depth 52 page analysis will teach you:

  • Best practices for defining and evolving the operations that support the revenue cycle to drive scalable and sustainable growth
  • The five core disciplines that underlie every Revenue Operations role
  • 12 capabilities of the Revenue Operations job function that are fundamental to the alignment of sales, marketing and CX teams, systems, and processes.
  • A comprehensive 36 point Revenue Operations maturity model that maps the convergence and evolution of the operations that support growth as your organization matures
  • Practical ways to aligning Sales, Marketing and Customer Success operations and teams along the revenue cycle
  • How to redeploy teams and resources to improve coverage, control and customer experience at lower cost
  • Structures for turning big data into actionable insights that create value and visibility in real time
  • A blueprint for reconfiguring the commercial technology portfolio to multiply and simplify selling effort
  • Ways to generate greater accountability and financial returns from your commercial technology and data assets


Table of Contents

The Evolution of The Operations That Support the Revenue Cycle and Drive Growth
Section One
The Business Case for Revenue Operations
Section Two
A Blueprint for Defining the Revenue Operations Job Function
Section Three
The Five Core Disciplines of a Revenue Operations Job Function
Section Four
Commercial Operations: Aligning Sales, Marketing and Customer Success Operations and Teams
Section Five
Commercial Architecture: Redeploying to Improve Coverage, Control and Customer Experience at Lower Cost
Section Six
Commercial Insights: Turning Big Data into Actionable Insights That Create Value and Visibility in Real Time
Section Seven
Commercial Enablement: Turning Technology into a Force Multiplier that Simplifies and Speeds Selling
Section Eight
Commercial Asset Management: Greater Accountability and Financial Returns on Growth Assets